venerdì 13 marzo 2009

GrassHopper + Paneling tools - Surface Deformation & Reconstruction

Starting from a surface, we keep some deformation points, three in this case.
Theese are repulsive or attractive points, and raise the deformation of the original pointgrid, according to our goals (structural - functional - aesthetic).
We obtain a new deformed grid, from which we can rebuild a new surface.
The curvature analisys shows depressions areas (blue) and flat ones, that should be differently panelized.

mercoledì 11 marzo 2009

Pseudo Dynamics in Grasshopper

First very quick test with pseudo-dynamics modifiers in Grasshopper.
Can't share the .ghx cause still many bugs. Sorry.

lunedì 9 marzo 2009

Logical Design : 4L13N N35T

We resume the investigation in topology and logical design and architecture.
The goal is to reach the systemic control of the shape starting form external dynamic conditions. A sort of reverse engineering approach.
According to this goal we are also evaluating singularity of meshes and Non Uniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS).

Enjoy our "4L13N N35T" , and buy it here

"Generated by 'Sculpture Generator 1' by Carlo H. Séquin, UC Berkeley"

aast///advanced architecture settimo tokyo

Generative architecture events in Settimo Torinese - Torino - Italy.

Here some info about wokshops:

Design with Maya, MELscript and plug-in
1 - 6 giugno 2009
1, 2, 3 giugno Autodesk Tutors
4, 5, 6 giugno Tutors Fulvio Wirz e Ludovico Lombardi
(Zaha Hadid Architects London)


Design with Revit
progettazione architettonica e simulazione del rendimento energetico

29 giugno - 4 luglio 2009
29, 30 giugno -1 luglio 2009 Autodesk Tutors
2, 3, 4 luglio Tutors da definire


Design with Generative Components
13 - 18 luglio 2009
13, 14, 15 luglio 2009 Bentley Tutors
16, 17, 18 luglio Tutors Ludovica Tramontin
(Università di Cagliari, Facoltà di Architettura, ASPeX )
e Alessio Erioli (Università di Bologna Italy, e-cloud)


Design with Rhinoceros, Grasshopper and VB script
12 - 17 ottobre 2009
12, 13, 14 ottobre McNeel tutors
15, 16, 17 ottobre Tutors Annarita Papeschi
(Zaha Hadid Architects London) e Marco Vanucci
(AKT, openSystems, London)


Design with Gehry Technologies Digital Project
16 - 21 novembre 2009
16, 17, 18 novembre Gehry Technologies tutors
19, 20, 21 novembre Tutors Federico Rossi
(Zaha Hadid Architects London) e Edmondo Occhipinti
(Ecole Speciale D’Architecture in Paris, Frank Owen
Gehry and Associates)

More info here: